Friday, February 22, 2013


So I've been taking my shots daily for the past 1 year, 10 months and 22 days. Well maybe not everyday because I've had those moments where I was done with being diabetic. I wasn't going to let it rule my life & I was going to be perfectly okay without insulin. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. & I've had those moments where I was sick of the weight insulin made me gain & so I decided I would go off it just to lose weight. That's a HORRIBLE idea by the way. It works but you feel terrible & you have no energy. at. all. So don't do it. Just take my word it's horrible. Anyway, since I've been married, my husband kept bringing up the pump. he was gung-ho about the idea. We just didn't have insurance at the time. Finally, once we did get insurance, I had to admit to him I didn't want a pump. Having something attached to me 24/7 scared me. I didn't want one at all. That was several months ago. Now that we're about to lose our insurance I want one. REALLY bad! I even ordered the demo OmniPod & I had been wearing that for the past 3 days. I finally took it off this morning even though I didn't really want to. Surprisingly, my blood sugars had been better over those 3 days. I think it was definitely a mental thing since the OmniPod didn't have any insulin in it. We'll lose our insurance on March 1st & I'm looking for a job that provides insurance. We were paying $1300 a month for my insurance with my husbands job. (Not because of my disease but just because of the way it was set up.) So now, I'm stuck with shots still. Do ya'll know any tricks for insurance or pumps? If so, I definitely want to hear!

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